Browsing by Author "Üneş, Fatih"
Now showing items 1-20 of 42
3-D real dam reservoir model for seasonal thermal density flow
Üneş, Fatih; Varçin, Hakan (Gh. Asachi Technical University of Iasi, 2017)The efficient use of fresh water sources and proper modeling of the water quality can only be possible when flows in the dam reservoir are well defined. Therefore, in this study, a hydrodynamics model of an actual dam ... -
Adana İli Referans Evapotranspirasyon Miktarının Bulanık SMRGT, ANFİS ve Çoklu Doğrusal Regresyon Kullanılarak Tahmini
Demirel, Serkan; Taşar, Bestami; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Üneş, Fatih; Demirci, Mustafa (Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, 2023)Hidrolik tasarım süreci ve tarımsal sulama yönetiminde evapotranspirasyonun tahmini oldukça önemlidir. Bu çalışmada günlük evapotranspirasyon miktarı tahmini için ortalama sıcaklık (S), bağıl nem (N), rüzgâr hızı (R), solar ... -
Alibey Barajı hacminin ve su seviyesinin klasik ve yapay zekâ yöntemleri ile tahmini
Er, Enes Erkan (İskenderun Teknik Üniversitesi / / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, 2022)Su yapılarında baraj haznesindeki su seviyesini ve hacminin doğru tahmin edilmesi su kaynaklarının kullanımı, planlanması ve işletilmesi açısından önemlidir. Artan iklim değişiklikleri, küreselleşme, hızlı nüfus artışı ve ... -
Batık kanat uygulamalarının deneysel ve sayısal yöntemlerle incelenmesi
Taşar, Bestami (İskenderun Teknik Üniversitesi / Lisansüstü Eğitim Enstitüsü / İnşaat Mühendisliği Ana Bilim Dalı, 2023)Akarsu düzenleme yapıları, akarsularda taşkın olması durumunda ve yüksek akım hızları sonucu mendereslerin dış kurblarında meydana gelen oyulmalar için önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, açık kanalların menderesli kısmında yeni bir ... -
A comparative study of estimating solar radiation using machine learning approaches: DL, SMGRT, and ANFIS
Üstün, İsmail; Üneş, Fatih; Mert, İlker; Karakuş, Cuma (Taylor and Francis Ltd., 2022)Solar energy has a key role in producing clean and emissions-free power compare to conventional methods. However, sustainable development also requires a reliable and predictable energy source. It also needs methods to ... -
A comparative study on daily evapotranspiration estimation by using various artificial intelligence techniques and traditional regression calculations
Güzel, Hasan; Üneş, Fatih; Erginer, Merve; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Taşar, Bestami; Erginer, İbrahim; Demirci, Mustafa (American Institute of Mathematical Sciences, 2023)Evapotranspiration is an important parameter to be considered in hydrology. In the design of water structures, accurate estimation of the amount of evapotranspiration allows for safer designs. Thus, maximum efficiency can ... -
Daily reference evapotranspiration prediction based on climatic conditions applying different data mining techniques and empirical equations
Üneş, Fatih; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Mamak, Mustafa (Springer Wien, 2020)Considering evapotranspiration takes a basic role in the hydrologic cycle, water resources management, and irrigation water requirements. Evapotranspiration estimation is not an easy case because of the number of direct ... -
Development of a Three-Dimensional CFD Model and OpenCV Code by Comparing with Experimental Data for Spillway Model Studies
Varçin, Hakan; Üneş, Fatih; Gemici, Ercan; Zelenakova, Martina (MDPI, 2023)This article presents a three-dimensional CFD model and OpenCV code by comparing the flow over the spillway with the experimental data for use in spillway studies. A 1/200-scale experimental model of a real dam spillway ... -
Estimating Dam Reservoir Level Change of Istanbul Alibey Dam with The Fuzzy SMRGT Method
Er, Enes Erkan; Üneş, Fatih; Taşar, Bestami (Osmaniye Korkut Ata Üniversitesi, 2022)Accurate estimation of the dam reservoir level in a dam reservoir is very important for the planning and operation of water structures. In this study, monthly dam reservoir level data between 1989 and 2020 obtained from ... -
Estimating dam reservoir level fluctuations using data-driven techniques
Üneş, Fatih; Demirci, Mustafa; Taşar, Bestami; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Varçin, Hakan (Hard, 2019)Estimating dam reservoir level is very important in terms of the operation of a dam, the safety of transport in the river, the design of hydraulic structures, and determining pollution, the salinity of the river flow ... -
Estimating the energy production of the wind turbine using artificial neural network
Mert, İlker; Karakuş, Cuma; Üneş, Fatih (Springer-Verlag London Ltd, 2016)Due to fluctuating weather conditions, estimating wind energy potential is still a significant problem. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) have been commonly used in short-term and just-in-time modeling of wind power ... -
Estimation of daily evapotranspiration in Kosice City (Slovakia) using several soft computing techniques
Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Zelenakova, Martina; Üneş, Fatih; Demirci, Mustafa; Hlavata, Helena; Mesaros, Peter (Springer, 2021)Accurate estimation of evapotranspiration is one of the main aspects of water management. In this study, the capabilities of soft computing techniques for estimating daily evapotranspiration in Košice (Slovakia) were ... -
Estimation of groundwater level using artificial neural networks: A case study of Hatay-Turkey
Üneş, Fatih; Demirci, Mustafa; İspir, Eyüp; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Mamak, Mustafa; Taşar, Bestami (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika", 2017)Groundwater, which is a strategic resource in Turkey, is used for drinking-use, agricultural irrigation and industrial purposes. Population increase and total water consumption are constantly increasing. In order to meet ... -
Estimation of wind energy power using different artificial intelligence techniques and empirical equations
Mert, İlker; Üneş, Fatih; Karakuş, Cuma; Joksimovic, Darko (Taylor and Francis Inc., 2019)The understanding of the behavior of a wind turbine is difficult due to changes in weather conditions. To obtain the response of a wind turbine influenced by changes in both wind speed and its direction, using the ... -
Estimation of wind energy power using different artificial intelligence techniques and empirical equations
Mert, İlker; Üneş, Fatih; Karakuş, Cuma; Joksimovic, Darko (Taylor and Francis, 2021)The understanding of the behavior of a wind turbine is difficult due to changes in weather conditions. To obtain the response of a wind turbine influenced by changes in both wind speed and its direction, using the ... -
Evaluation of long-term air temperature, precipitation and flow rate parameters trend change using different approaches: a case study of Amik plain, Hatay
Üneş, Fatih; Kaya, Yunus Ziya (Springer, 2021)The investigation of the trend change of climatic parameters during a time scale is one of the most important issues of climatological research. Awareness of the trend of climatic variables is essential for different ... -
Evapotranspiration estimation using support vector machines and Hargreaves-Samani equation for St. Johns, FL, USA
Üneş, Fatih; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Mamak, Mustafa; Demirci, Mustafa (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika", 2017)Information about Evapotranspiration (ET) calculations are not clear enough even it is an important part of hydrological cycle. There are many parameters which effect ET directly or indirectly such as Solar Radiation (SR) ... -
Evapotranspiration prediction using adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system and Penman FAO 56 equation for St. Johns, FL, USA
Mamak, Mustafa; Üneş, Fatih; Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Demirci, Mustafa (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika", 2017)Evapotranspiration (ET) estimation is a primary problem for irrigation engineers and hydraulic designers because it is an important part of hydrologic cycle. Even it is non-negligible in hydraulic design calculations, it ... -
Evapotranspiration prediction using M5T method and ritchie equation for St. Johns, FL, USA
Kaya, Yunus Ziya; Mamak, Mustafa; Üneş, Fatih; Demirci, Mustafa (Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Publishing House "Technika", 2017)Evapotranspiration (ET) estimation takes an important role in hydraulic designs and agricultural yield. Even it is non-negligible for hydraulic designers and irrigation engineers it is not clear enough to estimate or ... -
Experimental and Numerical Study on Flow Control Using 3-Array Submerged Vane in Laboratory Channel Bend
Taşar, Bestami; Üneş, Fatih; Gemici, Ercan; Zelenakova, Martina (MDPI, 2023)Regulation structures such as submerged vane are needed to reduce and eliminate environmental damage due to increased flooding in rivers. In particular, scours on the outer bank due to increased flow velocities cause the ...