Now showing items 1-10 of 14
Microwave metamaterial absorber for sensing applications
(Elsevier, 2017)
A metamaterial absorber (MA) based sensor is designed and analysed for various important applications including pressure, temperature, density, and humidity sensing. Material parameters, as well as equivalent circuit model ...
Sensitive Metamaterial Sensor for Distinction of Authentic and Inauthentic Fuel Samples
(Springer, 2017)
A metamaterial-based sensor has been realized to distinguish authentic and inauthentic fuel samples in the microwave frequency regime. Unlike the many studies in literature on metamaterial-based sensor applications, this ...
Broad band MA-based on three-type resonator having resistor for microwave energy harvesting
(Taylor and Francis Inc., 2017)
We proposed metamaterial absorber having multi-type split coin resonator based on resistive loads. The numerical simulation results and experimental measurements indicate that broad band absorption with a ratio over 80% ...
Multifunctional metamaterial sensor applications based on chiral nihility
(Springer, 2017)
In this paper, chiral nihility based pressure, density, temperature and moisture content metamaterial sensor applications are investigated in detail. A "chiral nihility'' medium in which both the permittivity and the ...
Wideband metamaterial absorber based on CRRs with lumped elements for microwave energy harvesting
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
A novel metamaterial absorber structure is designed and characterized for microwave energy harvesting. The suggested structure is composed of two circular ring resonators with different dimensions. Due to harvesting ...
Wide band fractal-based perfect energy absorber and power harvester
(Wiley, 2019)
In this article, a novel wide band polarization and incident angle independent metamaterial absorber (MA) and energy harvesting applications which operates at C (4GHz-8 GHz) and X (8GHz-12 GHz) is proposed. The unit-cell ...
Tunable energy harvesting on UHF bands especially for GSM frequencies
(Cambridge University Press, 2018)
Metamaterial-based energy harvesting structures operating at GSM goo and GSM 1800 frequency bands have been proposed. The basic structure is composed of four nested U-shaped elements on the front and back side of the ...
A Split Meander Line Resonator-Based Permittivity and Thickness Sensor Design for Dielectric Materials with Flat Surface
(Springer, 2018)
A metamaterial-based permittivity and thickness sensor structure for dielectric substrate material has been proposed at the X band frequency regime. The sensor structure is designed by using a split meander line type ...
Extremely-broad band metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting based on star shaped resonator
(Springer, 2017)
A new metamaterial absorber (MA) is investigated and shown numerically for solar energy harvesting for future solar cell applications. The structure consists of two metals and one dielectric layer having different thicknesses. ...
Broad band metamaterial absorber based on wheel resonators with lumped elements for microwave energy harvesting
(Springer, 2018)
A new metamaterial absorber structure is designed and characterized both numerically and experimentally for microwave energy harvesting applications. The proposed structure includes four wheel resonators with different ...