Now showing items 1-6 of 6
Broad-band polarization-independent metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting applications
(Elsevier, 2017)
A novel broad-band polarization-independent with wide-angle metamaterial absorber(MA) is investigated and demonstrated for solar energy harvesting applications. The proposed MA is composed of two metal layers which have ...
Multifunctional metamaterial sensor applications based on chiral nihility
(Springer, 2017)
In this paper, chiral nihility based pressure, density, temperature and moisture content metamaterial sensor applications are investigated in detail. A "chiral nihility'' medium in which both the permittivity and the ...
Zinc oxide-tungsten-based pyramids in construction of ultra-broadband metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2017)
A new broadband absorber is investigated for the entire frequency domain of solar light (infrared, visible light and ultraviolet). While current absorbers in the literature have limited operation frequencies, investigated ...
Extremely-broad band metamaterial absorber for solar energy harvesting based on star shaped resonator
(Springer, 2017)
A new metamaterial absorber (MA) is investigated and shown numerically for solar energy harvesting for future solar cell applications. The structure consists of two metals and one dielectric layer having different thicknesses. ...
Microwave energy harvesting based on metamaterial absorbers with multi layered square split rings for wireless communications
(Elsevier, 2017)
We propose the design of a multiband absorber based on multi-layered square split ring (MSSR) structure. The multi-layered metamaterial structure is designed to be used in the frequency bands such as WIMAX, WLAN and satellite ...
Implementation of a perfect metamaterial absorber into multi-functional sensor applications
(World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd., 2017)
Perfect metamaterial absorber (MA)-based sensor applications are presented and investigated tigated in the microwave frequency range. It is also experimentally analyzed and tested to verify the behavior of the MA. Suggested ...