Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Overview of the next quarter century vision of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles
(Elsevier, 2019)
Last three decades, costumers and manufacturers of automotive sector have been influenced positively by Hydrogen and fuel cells (FCs). The main goal of automakers can be pointed as minimizing the fuel consumption and exhaust ...
A novel fuzzy logic based safe operation oriented control technique for driving HHO dry cell systems based on PWM duty cycle
(Elsevier, 2019)
The presented study provides details on Fuzzy Logic based control of HHO generators aims at protecting the HHO generator from extreme temperature effects while maximizing the hydrogen production. The Fuzzy Logic Controller ...
Alternative fuelled hybrid electric vehicle (AF-HEV) with hydrogen enriched internal combustion engine
(Elsevier, 2019)
In this paper, hybrid electric vehicle (HEV) that powered by hydrogen (H-2) enriched internal combustion (ICE) engine was studied both simulation and experimental. As an alternative fuel, the usage of H-2 as additional ...