Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Artificial neural network approach for locomotive maintenance by monitoring dielectric properties of engine lubricant
(Elsevier, 2019)
In this paper, we proposed an approach for locomotive maintenance systems by observing engine lube oil. The mechanical particles in lube oil give information about locomotive engine system condition. The engine lubricant ...
Wideband metamaterial absorber based on CRRs with lumped elements for microwave energy harvesting
(Taylor & Francis, 2018)
A novel metamaterial absorber structure is designed and characterized for microwave energy harvesting. The suggested structure is composed of two circular ring resonators with different dimensions. Due to harvesting ...
Chiral Metamaterial Based Microfluidic Sensor
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, 2018)
This manuscript focus on developing of new metamaterials sensor based on distinction of different material and purity ratio sample. Unique side of this study is having very clear and sensitive results and presenting new ...
A Split Meander Line Resonator-Based Permittivity and Thickness Sensor Design for Dielectric Materials with Flat Surface
(Springer, 2018)
A metamaterial-based permittivity and thickness sensor structure for dielectric substrate material has been proposed at the X band frequency regime. The sensor structure is designed by using a split meander line type ...