Quantitative Analysis of Stakeholder Perspective on the University-Industry-Government Collaboration in İzmir, Turkey

Kabasakal, İnançKeskin, Fatma Demircan
Kaymaz, Yunus
Soyuer, Haluk
Balım, Ahmet Rıza
Eryılmaz, Engin
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Tüm öğe kaydını gösterKünye
Kabasakal İ., Keskin F.D., Kaymaz Y., Soyuer H., Balım A.R., Eryılmaz E. (2021) Quantitative Analysis of Stakeholder Perspective on the University-Industry-Government Collaboration in İzmir, Turkey. In: Durakbasa N.M., Gençyılmaz M.G. (eds) Digital Conversion on the Way to Industry 4.0. ISPR 2020. Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-62784-3_80Özet
Industry 4.0 necessitates the transformation of businesses towards the use of digital technologies and become more competitive in a global market. The collaboration of businesses and academic institutions is a fundamental enabler to achieve innovation. The models, such as Triple Helix, emphasize this collaboration and have increasingly received a great deal of attention from government policies in Turkey. With this perspective, a workshop hosted by the Aegean Region Chamber of Industry has been organized with the participation of representatives from universities, industry, and public institutions. This study presents our findings obtained through the workshop and aims to propose insights for policymakers. In particular, our survey data consists of indicators that were organized into three focal themes: collaboration, digitalization, and innovation. The survey data have been clustered based on participants’ ranking on the indicators using the k-means technique.