Effect of Olivine, Barite and Calcium Carbonate on Cutting Carrying Capacity of Water-Based Drilling Fluids
Introduction In this study, the effect of different weighing material such as olivine, barite and calcium carbonate on cutting carrying of water-based drilling fluids was investigated. Initially, characterization studies were performed for the additive materials.Method Then, spud type muds were prepared with bentonite and the weighing materials were added at different rates ranging from wt.1-6%. After the sample preparation, mud weight, 600 and 300 rpm dial reading, plastic viscosity, yield point, flow behavior index and power law consistency factor values were measured/calculated.Result With these results, cutting carrying index of the muds was calculated and the effect of the additive materials was compared. According to the results, it was determined that the barite added muds had better cutting carrying capacity than others and the calcium carbonate added muds showed worse cutting carrying capacity. Optimal CCI results were obtained from O-5 as 3.7869 and, from B-6 as 5.9417 and from C-4 as 2.7113.Conclusion Results of this study show that olivine can be used as low additive ratios in drilling muds to clean the hole.