An approach to preparing a bill of quantities
Bikçe, M., Göçer, S. (2018). An approach to preparing a bill of quantities. International Advanced Researches and Engineering Journal, 2(3), 229-233.Özet
At the pre-design stage, it is essential for designers and property owners to have a rough idearegarding the material quantities necessary for construction as well as the building cost. To knowthese approximate values is of great importance in terms of the correct establishment of thefinancial model at the pre-design stage, the elimination of cash flow problems and the preventionof loss of national wealth. While calculating these values, approximate unit costs announced bythe Ministry of Public Works and Settlement are used. In Turkey, the cost estimate at the predesign stage is obtained by multiplying the total building construction area by the unit constructioncost. However, it is generally accepted that this value is high in terms of free market costs. Thepurpose of this study is to prepare a program that can calculate approximate construction cost withunit workmanship prices in a specific region and approximate quantities including the minimumand maximum values of the material values by entering simple information about a planned RCbuilding. Accurate cost estimation at the pre-design stage is proportional to the accuracy of thematerial metering ratios. The coefficients taken into account in this study have been checked andcalibrated with a large number of projects, and it was observed that the samples containing thepreliminary results of the study were compatible with the application project results.
International Advanced Researches and Engineering JournalCilt