Makale Koleksiyonu
Recent Submissions
A reinforcement learning-based multiobjective heuristic algorithm for multiple-truck routing problems with heterogeneous drones
(Elsevier, 2024)As a result of new technological developments, drone usage has become common in last-mile logistics activities. Owing to the limited flight range of drones, drones may service customers by using trucks as hubs. Although ... -
Mechanical Characterization and Strain Analysis Applied to the Heat Treatment of Wood Materials, by Means of Digital Image Correlation
(North Carolina State University, 2024)Digital image correlation (DIC) was used to examine the strain distribution of heat -treated beech and Uludag fir woods in mechanical testing. It also evaluated the effects of the heat treatment process on the properties ... -
Analyzing the Mediterranean Sea's Dynamic Current System and Modeling of Renewable Current Energy Potential
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)In recent years, investments in renewable energy sources have been increasing in order to reduce fossil fuel consumption and mitigate the effects of global warming on the marine ecosystem. Recent studies have shown that ... -
Designing Sustainable Flexible Manufacturing Cells with Multi-Objective Optimization Models
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2024)Having sustainable and flexible features is crucial for manufacturing companies considering the increasing competition in the globalized world. This study considers three aspects of sustainability, namely economic, social, ... -
Artificial bee colony algorithm for operating room scheduling problem with dedicated/flexible resources and cooperative operations
(International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications, 2024)In this study operating room scheduling (ORS) problem is addressed in multi-resource manner. In the addressed problem, besides operating rooms (ORs) and surgeons, the anesthesia team is also considered as an additional ... -
Artificial bee colony algorithm for operating room scheduling problem with dedicated/flexible resources and cooperative operations
(International Journal of Optimization and Control: Theories and Applications, 2024)In this study operating room scheduling (ORS) problem is addressed in multi- resource manner. In the addressed problem, besides operating rooms (ORs) and surgeons, the anesthesia team is also considered as an additional ... -
A multi-objective approach to home health care routing problem with team formation
(University of Cincinnati, 2023)Home health care (HHC) services provide the elderly, disabled, and those with chronic diseases health services in their homes. The demand for HHC services has increased due to the growth of the elderly population, the ... -
Lignin activated carbon obtained by a environmentally friendly green production process using deep eutectic solvents
(Wiley, 2023)The aim of this study was to produce activated carbon (AC) from lignin obtained with deep eutectic solvents (DESs) of choline chloride–lactic acid. For this, lignin particles were produced using the DES. The DES lignin ... -
Terrestrial biosphere water balance analysis: a mathematical model to predict the impacts of climate change on net water budget on global scale
(Corvinus University of Budapest, 2023)The industrial revolution triggered increased greenhouse gas emissions, disrupting the water cycle, and raising global temperatures by 2°C. This shift has induced extreme weather, rising sea levels, altered precipitation, ... -
Ensemble multi-attribute decision-making for material selection problems
(Springer, 2023)Material selection is influential in product design, manufacturing, and marketing. Appropriate material selection maximizes the performance of a product while minimizing its cost, whereas inappropriate material selection ... -
Problem areas of determining the sample size in qualitative research: a model proposal
(Emerald Publishing, 2023)PurposeThe lack of a definite standard for determining the sample size in qualitative research leaves the research process to the initiative of the researcher, and this situation overshadows the scientificity of the research. ... -
Ensemble decision making for logistics center location
(Springer, 2023)Logistics centers are crucial for efficient and environmentally friendly transportation, storage, loading, unloading, maintenance, repair, and handling processes. Proper selection of a logistics center location is essential ... -
Solar panel energy production forecasting by machine learning methods and contribution of lifespan to sustainability
(Springer, 2023)The struggle to protect the atmosphere and the environment is increasing rapidly around the world. More work is needed to make energy production from renewable energy sources sustainable. The integration of energy with ... -
BIST100 Endeksi ve Dolar Kuru Arasındaki İlişkinin Transfer Entropisi ile Analizi
(Gümüşhane Üniversitesi, 2022)Farklı alanlardaki zaman serileri arasındaki nedenselliğin ve bilgi akışının analizi literatürde önemli bir araştırma başlığıdır ve farklı nedensellik testleri önerilmiştir. Bunlardan en yaygın kullanılanları Granger, ... -
A Mathematical Programming Approach for Multi-Objective Optimization in Designing Flexible Manufacturing Cells
(MDPI, 2023)The study aims to design flexible manufacturing cells with routing flexibility. A weighted mixed-integer linear mathematical programming model that aims to find optimal routing of parts in flexible manufacturing cells under ... -
Fractal Analysis of S&P 500 Sector Indexes
(Fiscaoeconomia International Journal Social Sciences, 2023)In this study multifractal properties of S&P 500 sector indexes are investigated with Multifractal Detrended Fluctuation Analysis (MF-DFA). The MF-DFA is a signal processing technique that is used to describe the multifractal ... -
Domestic flight network hub location problem under traffic disruption with sustainability provision
(Elsevier, 2023)There are many models in the current literature used extensively for the last 20 years on hub location problems and collect-distributive network structures. A centrally hub located facility serves as the main distribution ... -
Intraday Seasonality and Volatility Pattern: An Explanation with Recurrence Quantification Analysis
(World Scientific, 2023)The Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA), a pattern recognition-based time series analysis method, can be successfully utilized for short, nonstationary, nonlinear, and chaotic time series. These RQA measures quantify ... -
Time-Varying Fractal Analysis of Exchange Rates
(Chaos Theory and Applications, 2023)The foreign exchange (forex) market is a dynamic and complex financial arena where the exchange rates of various currency pairs fluctuate continuously. Among these currency pairs, EUR/TRY and USD/TRY hold significant ... -
Decision making in the manufacturing environment using the technique of precise order preference
(Yildiz Technical University, 2023)Wrong decisions in manufacturing systems can jeopardize the continuity of production and reduce productivity and efficiency. Therefore, it is essential to make the right decisions in solving the problems encountered in ...